Showing posts with label Hairs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hairs. Show all posts

How to do hair spa at home in just five steps? | Beauty Life 123

Hi, Freinds,
Are you Facing the problem of rough and damaged hair. I have a suggestion for you let's do a hair spa and get smooth, silky, bouncy hair. But hair spa at Parlours and saloon can cost so much Bucks. So lets find out what is Hair spa? and How to do hair spa at home?

What is hair spa?

If u are going in for a hair spa, the therapist would first take a look at what kind of hair you have, its quality, etc.You are then offered suitable remedies and packs. Some spas also have a protein treatment for hair. The ideas is to rejuvenate and protect the hair. A serum is mixed with the conditioner onto the hair. I recommend using argan oil,Which is very beneficial and can penetrate the hair shaft and restore moisture. After oiling and shampoo, A deep conditioning mask or pack made with natural ingredients is applied to the hair and massaged well... 

5 Steps to do hair spa at home.
A hair spa is not just about pampering the hair with a massage. It also provides nutrient to the hair, With a variety of packs. The five essential are Hair oil, Massage, shampoo, conditioner & hair mask... 

1. Massage Your Scalp: This is the first step to start the hair treatment at home.
  • Warm up some coconut oil or Olive oil.
  • Massage your head gently.
This increase hair circulation and boosts hair growth.
2. Steam the hair:
  • Dip a towel in warm water and squeeze the excess water out
  • Wrap the towel around the hair.
This allows the oil to penetrate deep into the scalp.Do this for about 5-6minutes..

3. Wash Your hair:
  • Now, wash the hair with a mild shampoo
Note:- Use only cold water as hot water is harmful to the hair roots..

4. Apply conditioner:
  • Post the shampooing, use the conditioner.
  • Rinse it off after half an hour with just warm water and no shampoo.
Note:-You can also use the water of tea leaves to which a few drops of lime juice has been added.The hibiscus flower powder is a great base and is rich in iron and other vitamins.

5. Lastly, A hair mask: The last step is crucial as it seels in the nourishment. Try making this mask at home.
  • In a bowl mix 2eggs, honey and some coconut oil or olive oil.
  • You can add a ripe banana to this-Banana is a hair softener. 
  • Leave the mask on for 20minutes then rinse with a mild shampoo.

That's it. You have successfully completed a home hair spa therapy at home in just 5 simple steps. We recommend repeating this process once a month to ensure healthy, soft & shiny hair.

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