Top home remedies for obesity.

Here are the top 10 home remedies for obesity.

There simply is no magic shortcut, and while this may seem obvious to some people it is overlooked far, far, too often. Now you’re probably wondering, if diet and exercise are the only ways to lose weight, why did you write this list? Because there are still natural remedies and recipes that will help you reach your ultimate goal. If you use these in addition to eating better and getting some exercise, they can speed up the process. There are many different contributing factors to losing/gaining weight, so the below remedies cover a wide range.

1. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is useful in treating obesity because it stimulates the metabolism, increases energy consumption, and mobilizes unused fat in the body.
It contains natural collagen proteins that make the body work harder in order to absorb the proteins. In addition, it helps remove toxins from the digestive system and colon.

Take two fresh aloe vera leaves, peel them, and scoop out the pulp.
Put it in a blender along with one cup of citrus juice, such as orange or grapefruit juice, or simply water. Blend it for two to three minutes.
Drink this daily for at least a month

2. Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper helps control obesity and aids in weight loss. It contains capsaicin that stimulates your body to burn fat and increase energy expenditure.
In addition, it stimulates digestion and suppresses excess appetite caused by malabsorption of nutrients in the body.

Make cayenne pepper tea by pouring a glass of hot water over cayenne pepper (start with one-tenth of a teaspoon or just a dash of cayenne pepper and gradually increase its quantity to one teaspoon). Squeeze the juice from half a lemon in it. Drink this tea regularly at least for a month.
Mix two tablespoons each of lemon juice and maple syrup in 10 ounces of water (one glass contains 8 ounces). Stir in a dash of cayenne pepper and drink it.
Use cayenne pepper and other spices, such as ginger, black pepper, and mustard seeds, generously in your meal preparations.

3. Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is one of the best home remedies for fighting obesity. It helps improve digestion and aids in detoxification. Healthy digestion is an essential pre-requisite for weight loss as it helps your body get the nutrients required to burn fat. Furthermore, it helps remove toxins from your body that slow down your metabolism
Mix three teaspoons of lemon juice, one teaspoon of honey, and one-half teaspoon of black pepper powder in one glass of water. (If you use freshly ground black pepper, then just add one-quarter teaspoon.)
Drink it in the morning on an empty stomach.
Do this daily for at least three months.
Alternatively, you can simply have a cup of warm water mixed with a teaspoon of lemon juice.

4. Rose Petal Water

The benefits of rose petal water are backed more by anecdotal evidence than anything, but that’s no reason to shrug off this mild yet refreshing drink. Rose petals act as a very gentle diuretic. Diuretics encourage your kidneys to put more sodium (salt) into your urine. This excess salt in turn draws water from your blood, decreasing the amount of water in your circulatory system. This is not “permanent” weight loss-just water weight-but the action encourages you to drink more and keep your system flushed clean and hydrated. Staying hydrated, believe it or not, can be hugely beneficial to losing weight.

5. Chew Gum

Chewing gum is a great way to trick your brain (and your stomach) into thinking it’s getting more than it is. The flavor of the gum reduces appetite and curbs the urge to snack on something unhealthy, and also stimulates the flow of saliva, whose enzymes help break down starches and fats.

You will need…
-1 piece of natural sugar free gum

6. Plain Yogurt and Honey

This is an awesome breakfast/snack. It’s one of those “I wouldn’t guess this is good for me!” type foods. The probiotics in yogurt do wonders for the digestive track and maintains a healthy balance of gut flora that optimizes digestion and the breakdown of certain substances (like fat.) When you digestive track is running smoothly, your body is processing things better and it’s not as likely to pack on the pounds. The honey is just a little added (healthy) sweetness to satisfy any cravings you might have. The beautiful thing here is that you really don’t feel like you’re getting shorted any flavor or fullness when you eat it. For optimum weight-loss awesomeness, try low fat yogurt.
-1/2-1 cup of plain (not vanilla) yogurt
-1 tablespoon of organic raw honey, or to taste

7. Bottle Gourd Juice

Bottle gourds are old-world hard-shelled fruits that anecdotal evidence suggests can help you lose weight. People who swear by it find that, due to its high fiber content, it creates a sensation of fullness and curbs appetite. It also has high water content (always a good thing) and has a number of great nutrients. If you do decide to drink bottle gourd juice, do not do so in such a way that you use it to “starve” yourself (see below.) Your body needs all the (good) food and nutrients it needs to maintain a balanced diet, however, it’s a great way to help resist cravings and potential snacking sprees!

You will need…
-1 cup of bottle gourd juice, chilled
-A little lime juice

8. Snack or Flax

Flax seed has been known to help with digestive ailments for centuries, and this goes hand in hand with weight loss. Flax seeds are high in fiber, as well as mucilage, which helps lower cholesterol. It has also been proven to lower blood sugar levels. With such a high amount of fiber, flax seeds also act as a natural gentle way to regulate bowel movements and help promote healthy gut bacteria, both which work well to help you manage weight. It is important to eat flaxseed ground, as it tends to pass through the digestive track undigested if eaten whole, thus depriving you of its nutritional benefits

9. Beans

Beans, beans, the magical fruit, the more you eat the more you…lose weight? Apparently, since the protein in navy beans can take a while to digest, therefore reducing appetite and aiding in weight loss management. The fiber in navy beans can also help lower cholesterol.

You will need…
-1 cup of dried navy beans
-3 cups of water

10. Ginseng

Ginseng is any one of 11 perennial plants with fleshy roots belonging to the genus Panax. While there are different kinds of ginseng, the two that you should use –also the ones that have had the most controlled double-blind studies done on them-are American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) and Asian or Korean ginseng (Panax ginseng.) While widely known as a stimulant to speed up a sluggish metabolism, that description doesn’t do it justice. Ginseng’s greatest quality is that it can help fight fatigue and boost energy as well as mental alertness (in a randomized double-blind study in 2010 290 cancer patients at the Mayo Clinic were given ginseng daily and it was found to fight even the crippling fatigue caused by chemotherapy.) This is huge when it comes to weight loss-without energy, it’s hard to exercise. Without exercise, it’s near impossible to lose weight-at least in a healthy way. In addition to boosting energy, there is tentative evidence that it can help manage blood sugar, which also affects energy levels as well as appetite.

You will need…
-1 teaspoon of chopped American or Korean ginseng
-8 ounces of fresh water
-raw honey/lemon to taste (optional)

Weight isn’t everything. Muscle does weigh more than fat, and being fit and healthy is more important than being incredibly “thin.” Healthy looks good on you, and don’t forget it!

-Never underestimate stress as a cause of weight gain. The body cannot perform any function, including burning fat for energy, optimally when under stress

top foods to get beautiful and flawless skin.

Here are the top 12 foods to get beautiful and flawless skin.

All women want to rock beautiful, healthy skin and body that will get men to look at them twice. The answer to that is a good lifestyle, consistent exercise and having healthy foods to eat.

1. Salmon 

Having beautiful skin doesn’t only require applying various lotions and creams, but you can also have flawless skin by feeding your body with healthy foods. One such food is the wild salmon that plays a vital role in keeping the skin smooth and soft, it also lowers the chances of the appearance of scaly skin and acne.

2. Berries 

Different types of berries like strawberries, blueberries, mulberries, blackberries, cranberries, raspberries, cherries and boysenberries are considered great skin foods due to their high antioxidant content.
Berries are easy to eat as a snack and you can add some to your cereal, smoothies or yogurt everyday to enjoy healthy and beautiful skin.

3. Oysters

Also, take some seafood once in a while, if you desire to have beautiful looking skin, gorgeous nails and healthy locks; oysters, for example, are very high in zinc that makes the scalp and hair healthy (actually, oysters have higher content of zinc per serving, than any other food).

4. Olive oil 

Olive oil is a good source of polyphenols, antioxidants like vitamin E, and essential fatty acids, which can actually help delay the aging process in a beautiful way.

It is also rich in squalane, a natural emollient that is great for your skin as well as nails, lips and hair. The high amount of vitamin E in olive oil helps protect cell membranes and guards your skin against damage from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays.

You can apply olive oil directly on damp skin as a great moisturizer after taking a shower. It also makes a great hand moisturizer and can be used as a makeup remover.

5. Wild salmon

Wild salmon is one of the best food sources for omega-3 fatty acids, which help maintain cell membranes to allow water and nutrients in while keeping harmful toxins out.

These healthy fats also reduce inflammation in the body and lower the risk of skin cancer. Salmon also contains selenium, a mineral that protects the skin from harmful UV rays.

Aim to eat at least two servings of this fatty fish each week. One serving equals two to three ounces. You can enjoy salmon grilled or baked, in pasta or salad, or as a side dish. Along with wild salmon, herring, mackerel and sardines will help promote smooth, clear and glowing skin.

6. Spinach

Lastly, and you probably expect this to be part of the list, is to eat a sufficient amount of green and leafy vegetables. Stock up on arugula and spinach, as they are rich in antioxidants that make you free of blemishes and help you achieve that radiant and flawless skin you desire. I love making spinach smoothies; not only it can be very delicious if made with right ingredients, but also (and most importantly) – it’s a vitamin explosion!

7. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are the best source of the anti-aging antioxidant lycopene. Lycopene helps reduce inflammatory response to harmful UV damage, thus protecting the skin from the damage due to sun’s rays. To enjoy the skin benefits of lycopene, you need to cook the tomatoes rather than eating them raw.

Tomatoes also contain a good amount of vitamin C, which helps in collagen production and protects cells from damage caused by free radicals.

8. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes contain a good amount of vitamin C, which helps in the production of collagen, a protein that reduces wrinkles and helps keep your skin nice and smooth. In addition, the vitamin A in sweet potatoes gives you a brighter complexion.

You can include sweet potatoes in your diet by adding them to casseroles, soups or salads. You can even try them baked as a side dish.

9. Papaya

Papaya is an excellent source of vitamin C that helps protect skin cells against sun damage by promoting the repair of DNA harmed by UV rays. Papaya is also rich in the enzyme papain, which helps nourish and support healthy skin by breaking down dead skin cells so they slough off more easily.

Papaya skins can be used to exfoliate your skin, and a finely ground paste of raw papaya makes a great face mask for reducing pimples and blemishes. Also, ripe papaya can be eaten as fruit, while young, green papaya can be used in stews and soups.

10. Dark chocolates

Dark chocolate contains flavonols that help the skin stay hydrated, protect skin from sun damage and increase blood flow. Also, it contains a good amount of cocoa that helps reduce stress hormones, which means less collagen breakdown leading to fewer wrinkles and fine lines.
In a study published in the Journal of Nutrition, women who drank cocoa fortified with 326 mgs of flavonols had better skin texture. You can also eat a little dark chocolate every day.

11. Green Tea

Green tea is great for your skin as well as overall health. The polyphenols in green tea has anti-inflammatory properties, and it is highly protective for cell membranes. It may even help prevent or reduce the risk of skin cancer.

A 2007 study published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry found that drinking two to six cups a day not only helps prevent skin cancer but may reverse the effects of sun damage by neutralizing the changes that appear in sun-exposed skin.

12. Nuts

Nuts like almonds and walnuts are good for your skin. A handful of these nuts daily can be the secret to smoother skin as well as healthy hair, due to the presence of high amounts of nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E.

So, the secret behind glowing skin is the food you eat. Along with the right foods, exercise regularly, enjoy sound sleep and avoid over-exposure to the sun to look younger for years to come.



Referred to as ‘crowning glory’, tresses are a direct expression of an individual’s personality and style. Excessive hair loss can be a troublesome problem, often causing worry and affecting self-esteem, especially for women. However, if diagnosed right, you can control hair fall with certain home remedies that are natural and effective in saving your locks.

Beauty facts
Here are 13 natural remedies for hair loss for your consideration (and mine), to help slow the progression of hair loss and maintain healthy locks for as long as possible

1. Consider Your Diet

Protein is the building block of the tissues in your body, including your hair. Make sure you are consuming enough proteins in your diet. The best sources of protein are milk, egg whites and fish.

2. Increase Vitamins & Minerals

Vitamin A is crucial to healthy hair because it “works with the fat synthesis.” Food products rich in vitamin A include leafy greens, carrots, and eggs.

Vitamin B12 creates more creation of red blood cells, which ultimately provides more oxygen for your body

3. Green tea

This tea is rich in antioxidants, which help boost hair growth and prevent hair loss.

1. Soak two-three teabags in one-two cups of hot water depending on the length of your hair.
2. When it cools, pour this over your scalp and hair, while gently massaging your head.
3. Rinse with cool water after an hour.

4. Greek yogurt and honey

1. Mix 2 tablespoons of yogurt with 1 tablespoon of honey and lemon in a bowl.
2. Using a dye brush, apply this paste on the scalp and roots.
3. Leave it on for 30 minutes before rinsing with cold water.
4. Apply this paste once a week.

5. Drink more water

Staying hydrated is crucial in tissue growth and health. The hair shaft itself is largely made up of water. Set a goal to drink AT LEAST 64 ounces each day. Also, avoid carbonated sodas all of which will weaken your immune system and make your hair more likely to fall out.

6. Onion juice

The antibacterial properties of onions helps fight against scalp infections, while the sulfur content improves circulation blood to the hair follicles. It promotes hair growth and controls loss of hair.

1. To extract onion juice, grind the onion and then squeeze out the juice.
2. Dip the cotton ball in the onion juice and apply it to your scalp.
3. Leave it on for 20 to 30 minutes and then wash it off using normal water and a mild shampoo.
4. Follow this procedure once a week and see the difference.

7. Keep the peace

Believe it or not, most of the time, the root cause for hair loss is stress and tension. Try meditation or yoga to help reduce stress and calm your mind.

8. Exercise

Regular exercise allows sweat to clean out and unclog your hair pores. The exercise will also make you healthier overall which will help you grow longer, stronger locks.

9. Oil scalp massage

Scalp massages help stimulate the hair follicles to increase hair growth! Take any natural oil – olive, coconut, almond – add a few drops of lavenderor rosemary essential oil to it, and massage gently into your scalp. Put on a shower cap and leave it on for an hour, then shampoo your hair. Follow this remedy once a week. It smells great and is very relaxing! Your locks will seem thicker and stronger than ever.

10. Essential oils

Lavender, rosemary, and thyme have been shown to help hair growth and prevent thinning or balding. Try massaging the essential oils into your hair after shampooing, or you canmake this Rosemary & Lavender Hair Rinse that my sister Rebecca created.

11. Natural Juices

You can rub your scalp with garlic juice, onion juice or ginger juice. Leave it on overnight and wash it thoroughly in the morning. (I personally will stick with essential oils!)

12. Egg mask

Eggs are rich in sulphur, phosphorous, selenium, iodine, zinc and protein, which together help promote hair growth.

To prepare the mask,

1. separate one egg white in a bowl and add a teaspoon each of olive oil and honey.
2. Beat to make a paste and apply it all over from root to tips.
3. After 20 minutes, rinse with a mild shampoo.

13. Strawberries and guavas

Strawberries contain high levels of silica. Silica is a trace mineral vital for hair strength and hair growth. Other foods rich in silica include rice, oats, onion, cabbage, cucumber and cauliflower. Vitamin C also prevents hair from becoming brittle and breaking. While, we often think of oranges as the best source of vitamin C, one guava packs four to five times as much.

10 Efficient Natural Remedies for Malaria

10 Efficient Natural Remedies for Malaria

Malaria is a mosquito-borne infectious disease affecting humans and other animals caused by parasitic protozoans (a group of single-celled microorganisms) belonging to the Plasmodium type. Malaria causes symptoms that typically include fever, tiredness, vomiting, and headaches.

Natural Remedies for Malaria

Most of the home remedies and herbal treatments lack the side effects of powerful antimalarial drugs, which make them far more appealing. So let’s take a closer look at 10 of the best natural remedies for malaria.

1. Cinnamon

One of the best ways to get rid of malaria is to tackle its symptoms, namely fever, headache, and diarrhea. Cinnamon is a comprehensive remedy, as it can help improve multiple symptoms at the same time. Cinnamon has a powerful organic component, cinnamaldehyde, which has anti-inflammatory properties and has been connected to a reduction in malaria’s violent and painful symptoms.

2. Fever Nut

Another effective natural remedy for malaria is using fever nut seeds. These seeds can be obtained from any herbal store and preserved for use as and when required. Two hours before the assumed time of attack take six grams of these seeds with a cup of water, and the same dosage should be taken one hour after the attack. Whether the attack takes place or not, the same procedure should be reported.

3. Orange Juice

Vitamin C is known as an incredible immune system booster and this has certainly proven true in the treatment of malaria. Since it can be difficult to keep away from food while suffering from malaria, many people choose to go on a water and orange juice diet, to keep the body hydrated and promote a concentrated attack on the infection. The antioxidant and immune-system boosting effects of vitamin C are often enough to kick-start the recovery process.

4. Natural Diet

After you get past the liquid flush diet and have your immune system back in action, you should switch to a purely natural diet of fruits for some time. This constant burst of natural fiber and vitamins, as well as the antibacterial and antibiotic properties of fruit, will help you recover from illness and get back to living normally. Finally, adding fruits, vegetables, grains, and nuts is the final phase of a natural malaria diet.

5. Alum

Alum needs to be dry roasted and powdered. A teaspoon of this powder needs to be consumed four hours before the expected fever attack and half a teaspoon after two hours of the attack. It will give great relief from malaria.

6. Holy Basil

To reduce the symptoms and severity of malaria, people have turned to holy basil for many years; eugenol is its active ingredient, and is largely responsible for its therapeutic properties, helping to eliminate bacterial infections. Different parts of this plant are used for dozens of Ayurvedic remedies, making it extremely important in Asian countries that deal with many cases of malaria.

7. Citrus Fruits

Although this is a rather vague suggestion, citrus fruits, in general, are often recommended for the treatment of malaria. Limes and lemons are easy to get a hold of in many malaria-prone regions, and the antioxidant compounds, vitamins, and minerals in them can help eliminate fever, prevent the spread of the infection, and speed up the healing process. Mixing a few drops of lime and an entirely squeezed lemon into a glass of water is a popular approach or you can just take a bite of those healthy fruits!

8. Grapefruit

Fruit and vegetable meal plan is always great when it comes to treating the body. One of the most effective home remedies for malaria is Grapefruit. It should be consumed daily. The natural quinine-like substance can be extracted from the Grapefruit by boiling a quarter of it and straining its pulp.

9. Ginger

A common and popular treatment for malaria is the use of ginger; fortunately, ginger is easy to access and can be boiled down into a powerful decoction that will boost your immune system and help speed up the recovery process after an infection. Ginger’s active ingredient gingerol, and its unique hydrocarbons are known for their anti-inflammatory and antibacterial activities in the body, making it one of the most effective natural remedies.

10. Mosquito Avoidance

The best way to treat malaria is to never catch it in the first place, but to avoid mosquitoes in the tropical world is difficult, to say the least. Powerful bug spray (specifically those good for mosquitoes) is essential if you’re spending any time in the wilderness of these risky areas. Furthermore, you should add mosquito netting to your bed and windows, so you can sleep peacefully, knowing that you won’t wake up with any symptoms of malaria. You should also ensure that there are no large pools of standing water near your home, as they are the perfect places for mosquitoes to lay their eggs.

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